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.london’s calling!

Register a .london domain name today.

The UK’s capital now has its own domain. Your .london lets you tell the world that you or your business are part of one of the world’s most successful cities.

Its six little letters stand for black cabs, red buses, Buckingham Palace and the Monopoly man.

It’s the domain of field-leaders, ground-breakers, and edge-cutters.

It’s the web address that makes more noise than Big Ben when it comes to telling the world that you love London town.

Why choose .london?

Position yourself amongst some of the world’s best businesses and brains.

Attract local traffic to your website.

Appeal to the city’s 8.8 million residents.

Frequently asked questions

What is .london?

London is one of the world’s most famous and most visited cities and the .london domain gives you the opportunity to do a little glory basking. Associate yourself with the world’s top businesses, brands and bloggers.

Can I register a trademarked domain name?

Protect your trademark from cyber squatters, typosquatters and other online sharks. As a trademark owner, you can register your new domain extension before it becomes available on the open market. Email …read for more information about how we can help register your trademark domain.

Can I transfer a .london domain to you?

Of course! You can transfer your domain to us in four easy steps. Plus, when you entrust your domain to us you’ll get full DNS management, around the clock support, and a few further perks. Best of all, to keep your …read oncosts down, we promise not to surprise you with any hidden fees or inflated renewal costs.

Horse & Country