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SSL certificates are changing - here's what you need to know

SSL certificates are changing - here's what you need to know

The lifespan of SSL certificates is changing soon – this blog explains why.

Posted Wednesday 29th July, 2020 by Sarah

4 ways your web host can help secure your website

4 ways your web host can help secure your website

Website security is paramount. Given this, we’ll discuss four ways a web host can secure your website!

Posted Thursday 18th October, 2018 by Aidan

Is your business ready for the new secure site era?

Is your business ready for the new secure site era?

Nudge, nudge. It’s August, and if you haven’t prepared for the changes Google Chrome has made to the way it treats HTTP and HTTPS sites, it’s time to make a move. Here’s how.

Posted Thursday 02nd August, 2018 by Aidan

Cloud update: Free Let’s Encrypt SSLs now supported

Cloud update: Free Let’s Encrypt SSLs now supported

We’re excited to announce the availability of Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates; the fast simple and free way to protect websites hosted on our Cloud Hosting platform. In this post we look at everything you need to know about Let’s Encrypt and why now i…

Posted Monday 09th January, 2017 by Aliysa

Rank Higher in Google with HTTPS

Google have recently announced that HTTPS is now being used as a ranking signal, meaning secure websites displaying a valid SSL Certificates will be prioritised in search engine results, and are likely to rank higher than those website without the…

Posted Wednesday 27th August, 2014 by Aliysa

Increase Customer Confidence With A Site Seal

Did you know that you’re entitled to use a site seal if you’ve installed an SSL certificate on your website? Not only will your visitor's browser address bar show your website is protected by the highest level of encryption, but your website will dis…

Posted Friday 02nd May, 2014 by Aliysa

What You Need To Know About SSL Certificates

It’s pretty common knowledge that an SSL Certificate adds a trust-emitting green padlock symbol and green ‘https’ in a web browser address bar, but how does SSL secure the connection between a visitor’s browser and the websites host server?

Posted Friday 17th January, 2014 by Aliysa

Cyber Monday Sale

Following on from our Black Friday event last week, today we have discounts across our site for Cyber Monday, the busiest online shopping day of the year!

Posted Monday 02nd December, 2013 by Aliysa

IPv4 Exhaustion - What Is It And How Will It Affect Web Users?

There’s a good chance that you’ve stumbled across the term ‘IPv4 exhaustion’, the issue has enormous significance for the Internet as a global network and will, at some point, effect a great deal of web users. In this article I’ll cover some of th…

Posted Friday 13th September, 2013 by Aliysa